Alright, hands up everyone that has bought a lottery ticket for tonight! I’m thinking that pretty much everyone has their hands up, because who wouldn’t pay a couple of bucks to have a chance at winning 500 million dollars. I mean, think of what you could do with that money, or more specifically, what you could buy with that money. This morning all of us at the office were tossing out ideas for what we would do if we won the lottery and the answers ranged from sleeping for a month, to buying an island, to buying out a jewelry store. I’ll just let you guess which one was mine.
Ok, so it’s obvious, if I had millions and millions of dollars, one of my first purchases would be jewelry. And I thought it would be fun to show you which pieces, specifically I would buy if I won the lottery today. So here we go.
Just kidding! Although if I won 500 million dollars I might just buy out the whole showroom. You might think that it would be a bit redundant after a while; I mean who needs 25 wedding bands? I do. I could wear them on a bi-monthly rotation. Life would certainly never get old! Ok, ok, in an effort to keep this post under 85 pages in length, I’ve narrowed down the entire showroom to my favorite three pieces. However, be sure to keep in mind that this favorites list changes daily, heck even hourly, but these are my favorites as of today, right now.

So let’s kick off the show with one of my favorite parts of the showroom, the engagement rings. There are so many styles, from diamond, to solitaire, to engraving; it’s so hard to choose. But, as usual, I found myself gravitating towards the diamonds, and this little beauty in particular. And when I took it out of the case, and slid it onto my finger, I was hooked. The first thing I noticed was how comfortable it was. This particular engagement ring is made with a metal called Palladium. A sister metal to platinum, palladium shares all of platinum’s strength and durability, but with half of the weight. This ring is effortless to wear, and yes, I’m still wearing it. It helps with the creative process you know. Well, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. Anyhow, I’m getting distracted, but with a ring like this it’s hard not to. I just love an engagement ring with a diamond band, and this one is really unique. The diamonds go all the way around the band which is edged on both sides with delicate milgraining. I seriously have a thing for milgraining. It gives pieces such a vintage feel and it really shows that special attention to detail that I love. So basically I’m completely in love with this ring, and then I check out the side profile, which is a huge thing for me, as I think a ring should be gorgeous from every angle. And boy does this ring now disappoint. Nestled under the center stone are two of the cutest little surprise diamonds, one for each side. They’re like the cherry on top of a delicious sundae, just the right touch to finish the look. So, before we move on, let’s just take a moment to enjoy the beauty that is this ring.

Ahh, wasn’t that nice? I thought so too. But now it’s time to move on, and I’m so excited about this next piece. And yes, the tag goes around all three so I get to count it as one piece, yay! I have a bit of a thing for tri-color jewelry. If that tri-color jewelry also has diamonds and milgraining I might just die of happiness. Well, this piece only has two of the three so you get to keep me around a little while longer. I know you’re thrilled. Three diamond eternity bands, one white gold, one rose gold, and one yellow gold. This combination might not seem too interesting by itself, but these rings have a funky, modern twist that makes them really special. Take a closer look at the yellow and rose gold bands, notice anything unusual about them? No, they’re not misshapen; they’re square, which is just the coolest thing ever. And they look amazing on your finger with the round white gold band in the middle creating a really playful and unique look. And I know you all are wondering if they’re comfortable. But don’t worry, I’ve tried them on, (Are any of you out there noticing a trend here?) and they’re surprisingly, super comfortable. The square, outer rings have softened corners which make them completely friendly to your fingers. I could wear this set all day, but we’ve got one more ring to cover so I have to take them off.

I had to take the other rings off, so that I could make room for this! Isn’t it magnificent? Photos never do any of these pieces true justice. It’s impossible to capture the sparkle of the diamonds and the true depth of color in the colored stones. For example, the color in the photo below is an excellent representation of what I see, but it fails to show how much life this stone has. It is the most stunning royal blue with its facets twinkling in the light from the windows. And that’s just the stone. I haven’t even gotten to the part where this setting completely swept me off my feet. There is of course the incredible face up view with its halo and split shank complete with my favorite, delicate milgrain detailing. But then you turn this ring on its side and you’re immediately struck by the sheer amount of craftsmanship. There is no surface that has been overlooked, from the lovely pierced design on the basket, the leaf engraving around the sides, to the beautiful flowers engraved down the shank. This ring could be pictured next to the definition of ‘attention to detail’, and it is truly a work of art.
So you can see now, why I really need to win the lottery. However, I think I read somewhere that you were 50 times more likely to be struck by lightning than win the lottery. Hrm, well in light of that, I think we should make our own lottery luck. I’m not sure if any of you are keeping track, but this is our 100th blog post. So, to mark that milestone, we’re bringing some of that lottery luck to all of you by offering all three of the pieces from today’s blog at 50% off! Since its Friday afternoon, this deal will be valid for the rest of the day today, and during business hours tomorrow. So who needs the lottery anyways, we’ve got gorgeous jewelry instead! So come on down and take a look for yourself. Try the rings on and be ready to fall in love. Happy 100th post everyone, and here’s to 100 more!