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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Would your husband do this?

By Megan Reynolds, AJP (GIA)
It’s happened to all of us; you look down at your finger and realize with a sinking sensation that you have no idea where your ring is. Most often, it’s been placed on a nightstand or vanity and is easily recovered. But what if your ring, ended up in a garbage truck?
A Bedford, Massachusetts woman knows just how that feels. “I was in a total panic”, recalls Anna when she realized that husband Brian had accidentally thrown out her engagement ring. The 1.5 carat diamond ring was worth far more in sentimental value than its $10,000 price tag. It was “the worst move of my life, horrible” recalls Brian, thinking of the moment that he realized exactly what he had thrown in the trash.
A quick call to the waste management company found that the trash had already been picked up in their area. But that didn’t faze Brian. He was going to get that ring back, even if it meant sifting through a ton of garbage. Well as it turns out, eight tons of garbage, piled ten feet high was waiting for him at the local dump. But Brian was undeterred, diving in immediately, determined to find the ring. And find it he did! He remembers the moment vividly. “Once I found it, I actually let out a manly scream”, claiming that the moment felt like winning the lottery. A very smelly, dirty lottery. He raced home to tell Anna the good news. “It was covered in muck. He just slipped it right on my finger and promised never to touch it again.” A very good promise to make, but I have to ask; couldn’t he have at least wiped the ring off first?!
At this point, I have to wonder at the kind of love that would have a husband ripping through old food, sludge, and God knows what else to find a ring. It must be true love, and a whole lot of guilt. Brian says that he would dig through garbage again in a heartbeat. “She’s the love of my life. That ring was meant for her and no one else. She’s everything to me.”
So, do you think your significant other would dig through tons of filth for you? I hope that you never have to find out; almost as much as I hope that ring got a thorough cleaning!
Michael Laughlin  /  Sun-Sentinel via Zuma

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